Upslope Brewing
Print & OOH
Upslope only comes in a can. This makes it the perfect portable beer for any adventure. And since it’s the perfect after-beer for any outdoor activity, we decided to the tell the story by dirtying the cans in a way that reflects the activity. Whether it’s buried in snow on a the mountain, submerged in the river or muddied on the trail, we unabashedly displayed Upslope the way it was meant to be seen: as part of the adventure, and the perfect compliment for a journey’s Après Everything.
Backcountry tap room.
Upslope had been nationally recognized with awards for it’s beer, but on the shelf, many still didn’t recognize the brand. What this Boulder brewery needed was a way to own its Colorado roots in the same way that other craft breweries stood for bicycling and ska music. So, to release their anticipated Oktoberfest, we built Uplsope’s first backcountry tap room bar 2.5 miles into the Colorado backcountry that could only be aces by outdoor enthusiasts, and consequently , Upslope’s biggest fans. We teased and promoted the event using social, local beer blogs, and some good old fashioned grassroots marketing. The result? Hundreds hike into the Rockies to enjoy great beer in the great outdoors, and pretty much guaranteed our very first backcountry tap room wouldn’t be the last.